Over the past couple of years the garden of Dechen Chöling has developed into the big, beautiful garden it is today. In October of the year 2010 Michael LeBlanc made a proposal to expand the garden even further, growing more organic fruits and vegetables, and creating an environment where people can reconnect with nature. Thoreau ones wrote: “Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” “Jardin Shambhala” is that dream, to take what we have, and make it even more beautiful.
In the beginning of 2011 project “Jardin Shambhala” was put into action. From the very beginning we received a lot of support from the neighbours. They bundled their powers to set the whole project into motion, clearing out the space, planting seeds and harvesting. They have put a lot of effort in making this happen, and without their help it would not have been possible. Therefore we are eternally thankful.
Most of the seeds planted in the garden are from KokoPelli. Kokopelli is an official depository for ancient seeds. The seeds are pure, meaning they are not produced by crossing different kinds of species. Nor are they genetically modified. Kokopelli has three main places to produce seeds. From there they distribute to members, whom buy the seeds. In return, after the plants start producing seeds themselves, the seeds will be send to another place. So there is a constant exchange of seeds going on. The main goal is to preserve original species, as well as to benefit third world countries.
In March Steffen arrived. A hard working man, wearing a straw head and sunglasses, whom has put a lot of exertion into making sure that the garden is blooming in its full glory. Planting, watering, weeding, harvesting. Steffen is the garden angel, working from dawn till dusk, handling the plants with at least as much care as any sentient being. Michael could not be more thankful for Steffen’s help saying he is definitely the muscle in the garden.
During the large programmes in May quite a few people offered their help during their working period, turning the garden into a crowded place. It was amazing to see all those people creating an uplifting energy and enjoying the vibes of nature.
All the effort that has been put in this garden is finally paying off. The garden grows more beautiful and beautiful every single day. Flowers bloom in full glory, turning it into a little piece of paradise. The garden is able to provide the kitchen with lots of greens. In the months May and June the kitchen received nearly 240 heads of salad, 11 kilos of chard, 12,5 kilo spinach 21 kilo of sweet peas and over 700 pieces of radish.
Entering the Dechen Chöling grounds the first thing you see is the garden, inviting you to take a walk and enjoy all there is to see and smell. The garden has enough space for greens to grow fully, and simultaneously tickle all your senses. Walking through the garden you can connect heaven and earth. Inhaling the aroma’s of herbs such as, basil, parsley and chive, and witnessing the sheer splendour of a variety of flowers. With the new entrance, the garden is now the door to the outside world. Magnetizing all of the neighbours, all of France, all of the world to come and rejoice in the grace of nature.
Written by Rianne Pelleboer, summer volunteer at Dechen Chöling. Photos by Steffen and Katja.